Source code for alex.utils.test_fs

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: set fdm=marker :
# This code is PEP8-compliant. See
Unit tests for alex.util.fs.


import os
import os.path
import tempfile
import unittest
from fs import normalise_path, find

[docs]class TestFind(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): #{{{ """ Creates a playground of a directory tree. It looks like this: <testroot>/ - a/ - aa/ - ab/ - ac/ - aca/ - acaa/ - acab -> baaaa - b/ - ba/ - baa/ - baaa/ - baaaa -> daaa - baaab/ - baaaba/ - baaabaa/ - baaabab -> ca - c/ - ca/ - caa/ - cab/ - caba/ - cac -> db - d/ - da/ - daa/ - daaa -> acab - db -> baaaba """ self.testroot = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Make the directory structure. # list of all the dirs {{{ dirs = [ (self.testroot, 'a',), (self.testroot, 'a', 'aa'), (self.testroot, 'a', 'ab'), (self.testroot, 'a', 'ac'), (self.testroot, 'a', 'ac', 'aca'), (self.testroot, 'a', 'ac', 'aca', 'acaa'), (self.testroot, 'b',), (self.testroot, 'b', 'ba'), (self.testroot, 'b', 'ba', 'baa'), (self.testroot, 'b', 'ba', 'baa', 'baaa'), (self.testroot, 'b', 'ba', 'baa', 'baaa', 'baaab'), (self.testroot, 'b', 'ba', 'baa', 'baaa', 'baaab', 'baaaba'), (self.testroot, 'b', 'ba', 'baa', 'baaa', 'baaab', 'baaaba', 'baaabaa'), (self.testroot, 'c',), (self.testroot, 'c', 'ca'), (self.testroot, 'c', 'ca', 'caa'), (self.testroot, 'c', 'ca', 'cab'), (self.testroot, 'c', 'ca', 'cab', 'caba'), (self.testroot, 'd',), (self.testroot, 'd', 'da'), (self.testroot, 'd', 'da', 'daa') ] # }}} for dir_ in dirs: os.mkdir(os.path.join(*dir_)) # Make the symlinks. #{{{ symlinks = [ (self._pathto('acab'), self._pathto('baaaa')), (self._pathto('baaaa'), self._pathto('daaa')), (self._pathto('baaabab'), self._pathto('ca')), (self._pathto('cac'), self._pathto('db')), (self._pathto('daaa'), self._pathto('acab')), (self._pathto('db'), self._pathto('baaaba')) ] for symlink in symlinks: os.symlink(symlink[1], symlink[0]) #}}} #}}}
[docs] def tearDown(self): #{{{ """Deletes the mock-up directory tree.""" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.testroot, topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: path = os.path.join(root, name) if os.path.islink(path): os.unlink(path) else: os.rmdir(path) #}}}
[docs] def test_depth(self): """Tests mindepth and maxdepth.""" #{{{ self.assertEqual( find(self.testroot, '*', 0, 1), self._format_result( '.', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd')) self.assertEqual( find(self._pathto('ac'), '*', 0, 1), self._format_result( 'ac', 'aca')) self.assertEqual( find(self._pathto('ac'), '*', 0, 0), self._format_result( 'ac',)) self.assertEqual( find(self._pathto('ac'), '*', 0, -1), set()) #}}}
[docs] def test_symlinks1(self): """Basic test for symlinks.""" #{{{ self.assertEqual( find(self._pathto('ac'), '*', 0, 2), self._format_result( 'ac','aca','acaa','acab')) self.assertEqual( find(self._pathto('baaab'), '*', 2, 4), self._format_result( 'baaabaa', 'ca', 'caa', 'cab', 'cac', 'caba')) #}}}
[docs] def test_wrong_args(self): """Test for handling wrong arguments.""" #{{{ self.assertEqual( find(self._pathto('baaaba'), '*', 41, 35), set()) #}}}
[docs] def test_globs(self): """Tests processing of the selection glob.""" #{{{ self.assertEqual( find(self._pathto('ac'), '*b', 0, 2), self._format_result( 'acab')) self.assertEqual( find(self._pathto('ac'), 'aca?', 0, 2), self._format_result( 'acaa', 'acab')) self.assertEqual( find(self._pathto('b'), '[!b]*', 4, 7), self._format_result( 'ca', 'caa', 'cab')) self.assertEqual( find(self._pathto('b'), '??[bc]', 4, 7), self._format_result( 'cab')) #}}}
[docs] def test_cycles(self): """Test the processing of cycles in the directory structure.""" self.assertEqual( find(self._pathto('b'), 'ca??', 0, None), self._format_result( 'caba')) self.assertEqual( find(self._pathto('b'), 'c?', 0, None), self._format_result( 'ca'))
[docs] def test_ignore_globs(self): """Test the functionality of ignore globs.""" self.assertEqual( find(self._pathto('ac'), '*', 0, 2, ['aca?']), self._format_result('ac','aca')) self.assertEqual( find(self._pathto('ac'), '*', 0, 2, ['ac','ac?a']), set()) self.assertEqual( find(self._pathto('baaab'), '*', 2, 4, ['*b']), self._format_result('baaabaa', 'ca', 'caa', 'cac')) # TODO Test other arguments of the function.
def _pathto(self, fname): """ Returns the absolute path to one of the created test directories (or links). The root can be specified by the name '.'. """ #{{{ if fname == '.': return self.testroot dirs = [self.testroot] +\ [fname[:preflen] \ for preflen in xrange(1, len(fname) + 1)] return os.path.join(*dirs) #}}} def _format_result(self, *fnames): return set(map( lambda fname: normalise_path(self._pathto(fname)), fnames))
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()